hello hello this is my namecard, thank you~
with the concept of " I am related to you, and love to communicate with you :) ", a highlight stroke is drawn which connecting you word "you" with kino's finger.
all new frns say that i look cool and quite when they freash befriend with me, but since we are close, they find that actually I am friendly and talkative :D That is why I make the name card in monochrome, with the colourful words (for highlight the point too)
wish that I can pass my namecard to all the people who I can meet :)
哈咯哈咯 只是我的名片,谢谢~
概念是“我和你会连接”,所以一条刺眼的黄色线条将“you”和 Kino 的手指连接起来 :)
好多刚认识的新朋友都说我很静很慢热,但一旦我们更靠近了,我原形毕露,我很爱讲话!哈哈 所以这名片的颜色设计概念是以很静的“黑白”和开心的“彩色”相称 (其实彩色的运用也是为了要突现信息的重点 :D)